How to write a rhetorical essay
Argumentative Essay Topics On Psychopathy
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Wars of religion and consolidation in France
There were explicit timeframes in the memorable time of France when religion was a genuine issue for its residents. France was involved by the war on religion during very nearly four decades since 1562 up to 1598. There were three incredible times of the war which were held during 1562 â⬠1576 (the initial segment of the war), 1572 â⬠1588 (wars of religion and the Saint Bartholomew slaughter), and 1588 â⬠1598 (wars of religion and the Edict of Nantes).Advertising We will compose a custom article test on Wars of religion and union in France explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The principle controls in this war of religions were the Protestants, the Huguenots, the Catholics, who fought for mastery in France. Religion had never been a fundamental political instrument until 1562? Nonetheless, during the further 40 years religion became significant factor for policy centered issues. Battling for mastery, lords did utilized religion as the instrument yet not a s the last motivation behind the wars, the primary reasons of which were the money related, basic and character shortcomings of the government, factional contention between the significant groups of France who upheld diverse strict admissions, and financial downturn. Pretense family, the Bourbons and the Montmorency-Chatillons were three families which battled for the control in the nation. As indicated by the heredity, Catherine de Medici took the seat and her Catholic perspectives were upheld by the Guise family who were nor happy with the expansion of the Protestants impact and drove a military against a protestant church in Champagne. Catherine de Medici was keen on keeping up balance between these two religions, in any case, it was not in light of a legitimate concern for Guise family who needed to pick up the force in the nation. Be that as it may, Catherine de Medici figured out how to discover the harmony among Catholics and Protestants in 1570, in any case, the war was cont inued in 1572 by executing a few thousand Huguenots in Paris. In this way, the third religion was engaged with the war. The wars between such powers as Protestants, Catholics and Huguenots finished in 158 when ââ¬Å"the Edict of Nantes allowed opportunity of love to the entire of Franceâ⬠(Wars of Religion in France). The mark of the Treaty of Vervins among France and Spain totally completed the wars of religion in the nation. Attempting to dissect the genuine explanations behind the wars, clearly e first war of religion was brought about by the political resistance of the extraordinary powers in the nation. The second war of religion more reminded the national revolt for freedom and just the third war might be considered as a genuine war of religion as at that point the encounter between various religions was truly decimating and something ought to be done to adjust those (Kingdon 170).Advertising Looking for paper on history? We should check whether we can support you! Get y our first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The last phase of the religions war was incited by the consent for Protestants to follow their strict groups wherever in France aside from Paris. Numerous sides in the nation were disappointed with the choices. Holt Concludes that ââ¬Å"the genuine heritage of the French Wars of religion, nonetheless, was that this talk of absolutism existed together with the expanded social polarization among rich and poor that came about because of the common wars themselvesâ⬠(Holt 222). Attempting to reexamine the occasions which occurred in France during the wars of religion, it is conceivable to infer that the extensive war period was crated by the rulers and their failure to keep up request in the general public. Battling for the force and the seat, rulers overlooked individuals and their needs. The wars of religion were conceivable just when the crown was shared and one political force won (Knecht 90). This case bolsters once again the possibilit y that religion is typically utilized as the force for administering individuals in close to home political games. Thinking about the aftereffect of the wars, a few people may feel that the Edict of Nantes and the Treaty of Vervins figured out how to take care of the strict issues. Notwithstanding, this isn't generally right as these measures were taken to stop dynamic war activities (as the political forces didn't require this instrument in their fight any more) and restore the attack of Catholic thoughts through the nation. In this way, it might be reasoned that the wars of religion in France were only the political instrument in hands of rulers. Attempting to fathom individual issues, the incredible groups of France showed up before the decision of the battling system. Some extra issues which might be considered as the pushing parts of the issue simply bolstered the craving of the ground-breaking families to utilize religion as the methods for making individuals enlivened by the thought and to battle for the interests of a solid political force. It ought to be expressed that strict issues consistently exist and there is no nation where the issue of religion isn't put at edge, be that as it may, a few governments figure out how to keep up balance between various religions in the nation to ensure that all residents stay fulfilled, However, on the off chance that one wants to utilize religion as the instrument, he/she can generally do it being propelled by the extraordinary case of the wars of religion in France between 1562-1598. Works Cited Holt, Mack P. The French Wars of Religion, 1562-1629, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005. Print. Kingdon, Robert McCune. Geneva and the Consolidation of the French Protestant Movement, 1564-1572: A Contribution to the History of Congregationalism, Presbyterianism and Calvinist Resistance Theory. New York: Librairie Droz, 1967. Print.Advertising We will compose a custom article test on Wars of religion and solidif ication in France explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Knecht, Robert. The French Religious Wars 1562-1598. New York: Osprey Publishing, 2002. Print. ââ¬Å"Wars of Religion in France.â⬠France This Way, 2012, web, 11 Sept. 2012, This exposition on Wars of religion and combination in France was composed and put together by client Sasha Carroll to help you with your own examinations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; nonetheless, you should refer to it appropriately. You can give your paper here.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Large Scale Software Development Research Paper
Enormous Scale Software Development - Research Paper Example School recognition courses take three years and are offered by different universities the nation over. Most of the individuals for example 80% live in miserable destitution for example they can't spend more than one dollar for every day. Because of this most understudies can't stand to pay for their training costs which spread educational cost, building and improvement costs, food and providing food, cash to purchase books and ultimately the school uniform. Before free training was presented the greater part of the understudy dropped out of school because of absence of school charges. The legislature around then was degenerate and wasteful, these loan to an enormous crumbling of the nation training division, and universal assets were additionally not accessible as giver reserves were retained because of the numerous debasement outrages. In January 2003, the national rainbow alliance government took power with the guarantee to carry free essential training to assist the poor unskilled understudy with attaining fundamental instruction. Free essential instruction was executed. This saw a monstrous enlistment of an understudy with classes which had 50 understudies presently have in excess of 100 understudies. In Nairobi, the understudy populace significantly increased. Free essential training has been profitable. Many unlearned Kenyan have profited by it. It was astonishing that even elderly people men joined the grade school. The constraints were anyway perceptible as the instructor's outstanding burden became huge to such an extent that they couldn't deal with the quantity of understudies. This, as it were, loans to a decrease in the general execution of open grade schools or. The classes are ordinarily stuffed. In 2008 the legislature executed free optional instruction, free auxiliary training has numerous difficulties as an understudy are as yet required to pay some sum as far as advancement charges. Instruction in non-public schools, in contrast to the government funded school, is innovative with best in class PCs, pools, all around prepared educators, understudy boarding offices among different offices. The understudy is anyway required to pay a ton of cash to join these schools, these schools are ruled by the white collar class and high-class residents who can bear the cost of the expenses charged.
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Tu Perfil para el MBA La Importancia del GMAT
El GMAT (Graduate Management Admissions Test) es el examen mà ¡s usado por las escuelas de negocios como requisito bà ¡sico para admisià ³n, y en base a à ©l pronostican, junto con el rendimiento acadà ©mico que hayas tenido en la universidad, cà ³mo serà ¡ tu desempeà ±o en las clases del MBA. Tu puntaje en el GMAT es tambià ©n usado cada vez mà ¡s por empleadores (mayormente consultoras y bancos de inversià ³n) en la pre-seleccià ³n de estudiantes de MBA antes de entrevistarlos, asà como por organizaciones dedicadas a clasificar las escuelas de negocios en los ââ¬Å"rankingsâ⬠. Es por eso que debes tomar muy en serio tu preparacià ³n y rendimiento en este examen, y saber que si tu intensià ³n es solicitar admisià ³n a escuelas de negocios de alta reputacià ³n, deberà ¡s aprobar el GMAT con el mayor puntaje posible. El examen dura aproximadamente cuatro horas, y evalà ºa tu habilidad cuantitativa, razonamiento crà tico, y conocimiento del idioma inglà ©s. No es un examen que se puede preparar en unos cuantos dà as; al contrario, la gran mayorà a de mis clientes admiten haber dedicado varios meses para su preparacià ³n, y aun asà , muchos lo toman dos y tres veces antes de obtener un resultado satisfactorio. Para evitar sorpresas, te recomiendo lo siguiente: 1. No esperes hasta que la fecha de aplicacià ³n se acerque. Si ya decidiste que vas a sacar un MBA en el futuro cercano, empieza a prepararte para el GMAT ahora. (Tus resultados son và ¡lidos por cinco aà ±os). 2. Separa un rato diario para prepararte, preferiblemente a la misma hora cada dà a. El GMAT es como prepararte para un maratà ³n: no empiezas a entrenarte el dà a antes de correrlo, sino que con mucho tiempo de anticipacià ³n, sobre todo si no està ¡s acostumbrado a correr largas distancias. 3. Acostà ºmbrate a practicar tus ejercicios siempre contra el reloj. Una de las quejas mà ¡s comunes de los que no salen bien en el GMAT es que sabà an la respuesta pero no les dià ³ tiempo de contestarlas. Si practicas contra el reloj te acostumbrarà ¡s a pensar y contestar rà ¡pido, de tal manera que el dà a del examen no tendrà ¡s ese problema. 4. Toma exà ¡menes de prà ¡ctica tan frecuentemente como puedas. Al practicar con muchos exà ¡menes te acostumbrarà ¡s al formato de las preguntas, y ademà ¡s esos exà ¡menes de prà ¡ctica te permitirà ¡n evaluar con objetividad tus à ¡reas dà ©biles y fuertes. 5. Una vez que hayas detectado tus fortalezas y debilidades, asegà ºrate de dedicarle mà ¡s tiempo a los temas que mà ¡s te cuestan. Muchas personas se engaà ±an a sà mismas gastando tiempo en los temas que ya dominan porque eso les da un falso sentimiento de seguridad. No cometas ese error. Estudiar para el GMAT requiere dedicacià ³n, disciplina, y mucha prà ¡ctica. A menos que tengas mucha prà ¡ctica con exà ¡menes estandarizados, la mayorà a de la gente solo logra un puntaje alto despuà ©s de muchas horas de estudio y dedicacià ³n, pero vale la pena. Una nota alta en el GMAT significa un punto mà ¡s a tu favor en la aplicacià ³n para el MBA, y tambià ©n significa que podrà ¡s darte el lujo de solicitar admisià ³n a escuelas de negocios mà ¡s selectivas. Tambià ©n significa que tendrà ¡s una mayor probabilidad de obtener financiamiento y becas para tus estudios, y, finalmente, que te serà ¡ mà ¡s fà ¡cil conseguir el trabajo de tus sueà ±os cuando te gradà ºes con tu MBA. Vale la pena dedicarle tiempo y esfuerzo al GMAT. Si te gustarà a tener una guà a professional que te ayude con tus aplicaciones para el MBA, considera losà servicios MBA essay editingà oà MBA Application Packages. Ambos incluyen asesoramiento general, revisià ³n de los ensayos, entrenamiento para las entrevistas, y revisià ³n de tu hoja de vida (Curriculum Vitae). ; Porà Esmeralda Cardenal, ex Directora Asociada de Admisiones de la Escuela de Negocios de Yale, ex Directora de Admisiones de MBA de Michigan State University, y consultora para Cardiff Business School en el Reino Unido. A Esmeralda le encantarà a ayudarte a preparar tu solicitud de admisià ³n al MBA de la mejor manera posible y contestar tus preguntas. Si quieres que Esmeralda te ayude a que te admitan a un programa de MBA, haz click aquà para ponerte en contacto con ella. Related Resources: â⬠¢ Tu Perfil para el MBA: El Rendimiento Acadà ©mico â⬠¢Ã GMAT Study Tips (For When You Donââ¬â¢t Have Time to Study for the GMAT) â⬠¢Ã Your 3-Part Plan to Dominate the GMAT, a free webinar
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Essay on The Practice of Music Censorship - 610 Words
Music censorship has taken many forms in the past, but many forms are overbearing and generally ridiculous. Censorship comes in many forms. The practice of censorship is defined as ââ¬Å"...the act of changing or suppressing speech or writing that is considered subversive of the common good.â⬠(Merriam-Webster). Old forms of censorship included not allowing airplay, refusal of sale, and refusal of publishment. The major issue found with those that oppose censorship, is that they have no real grounds to address the problem sensibly. Most focus of censorship, however, is focused on the younger genres of music such as Metal, Punk, and especially Rap. The structure/ practice of censoring ââ¬Å"offensive,â⬠lyrics during mid-song comes in differentâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦There is no area for the language to be expressed and let be untouched.(EO) Much of Americaââ¬â¢s censorship has seen specific targets in what has been chosen to be censored. A wondrous example would be the foreign metal-pop influence band, Rammstein. A number of their songs were banned from television, or were not permitted to play on daytime airtimes.(Rammstein) An example of one of their songs banned, is a track thatââ¬â¢s titled ââ¬Å"Ich Will.â⬠When this trackââ¬â¢s name is translated to english, it reads ââ¬Å"I want.â⬠The video accompanying the song portrays the band committing crimes of terrorism, then later receiving airtime for their behaviour. Politicians actually moved to have the video and song banned from the US on account of the behaviour shown in the video.(Rammstein) References of bands being dis-promoted for their portrayals in lyrics and video accompaniments go on for ages. A short list of examples of songs/ artists that saw censorship in newer music consists of ââ¬Å"Tell Me Baby, (RHCP),â⬠also ââ¬Å"Killing in the Name of, (Rage Against the Machine)â⬠and ââ¬Å"Closer, (NIN)â⬠So overall, Music has itââ¬â¢s own parti cular area of censorship which is unique and flawed in itââ¬â¢s own way. Although there have been some more recent changes in music to support the freedom of artists, the past has been condemning and rough for artists to easily ââ¬Å"express,â⬠themselves through theirShow MoreRelatedEssay about Censorship in America1048 Words à |à 5 Pages Censorship in America nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Since this country was founded, we have had a set of unalienable rights that our constitution guarantees us to as Americans. 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This fundamental right of freedom of expression is being threatened by public and governmental groups who believe they have authority to monitor and decide what others should experience. The censorship of music lyrics is a violation of our First Amendment right, and public groups should not be allowed to bypass this right to censor obscene lyrics produced in the music industry. ThroughRead MoreCensorship Of The World Wide Web1326 Words à |à 6 Pagespowerful tool, and too much of it will make any government nervous. Censorship of information has had a long history throughout the world. In ancient China for example, censorship was considered a legitimate instrument for regulating the moral and political life of the population (Newth). Even today, the Chinese government has full authority to censor anything on the web. Western societies also have a long history of censorship. 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Supposedly, their music conveys too violent of a message. The sounds and words these artists have so carefully crafted have been targeted as the cause for violent acts, especially by young people. For example, Columbine shooters Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold idolized German industrialRead MoreEssay on Censorship Within the United States510 Words à |à 3 PagesCensorship Within the United States Censorship within the United States is not only an immoral and big-brotherly practice, but also an insult to each and every one of those who call themselves US citizens. Every day, censors attempt to sanitize TV, radio, music, print, and even the Internet. In their infinite wisdom, they deem what should and should not be viewed by John Q. Public. Censors succeed in suppressing our free spirits and restraining our thoughts in virtually every medium.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Leadership Style And Personal Strengths Essay - 1410 Words
Using Leadership Style and Personal Strengths to Succeed in a Doctoral Program Leadership is an important outcome of the doctor of nursing practice (DNP) program (Zaccagnini White, 2014). Measurement tools are available that identify leadership style (Clark, 2010) and personal talents, called Signature Themes (Gallup, Inc., 2010). When leadership style and personal strengths are identified, they can be maximized to achieve success (Clark, 2010; Gallup, Inc., 2010). This paper provides both a framework about the importance of leadership in the DNP curriculum and several examples of how I will use my leadership style and Signature Themes to succeed in the DNP program. Leadership in DNP Program Curricula Prior to the development of the DNP degree, several practice-focused doctoral programs existed in the United States; however, they did not have uniform curricular standards (American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN], 2004). An AACN task force (2004) studied the programs and recommended they be consolidated into one practice doctorate, called the DNP. The AACN task force found that leadership preparation was a common curricular thread in each practice doctoral program (AACN, 2004). In 2006, the AACN published The Essentials of Doctoral Education for Advanced Nursing Practice to establish guidelines for DNP curriculum development. The emphasis on leadershipShow MoreRelatedEssay on Leadership Reflection Plan836 Words à |à 4 PagesRunning head: LEADERSHIP REFLECTION PAPER Leadership Reflection Paper Shaynee Olson February 18th, 2013 University of Phoenix CUR/510 Dr. Park Abstract The purpose of this research is a self-reflection on the authorââ¬â¢s personal leadership style. This research will include qualities of effective leadership, the authorââ¬â¢s philosophy of leadership, and examples of the authorââ¬â¢s leadership style. 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Human Powered Generators free essay sample
HUMAN POWERED GENERATORS A generator can also be driven by human muscle power, for example, in field radio station equipment. Human powered direct current generators are commercially available, and have been the project of someà DIYà enthusiasts. Typically operated by means of pedal power, a converted bicycle trainer, or a foot pump, such generators can be practically used to charge batteries, and in some cases are designed with an integral inverter. The average adult could generate about 125-200 watts on a pedal powered generator, but at a power of 200 W, a typical healthy human will reach complete exhaustion and fail to produce any more power after approximately 1. 3 hours. Portable radio receivers with a crank are made to reduce battery purchase requirements Self-powered equipmentà is a term used forà electrical Today we also use the term Self powered equipment for electrical appliancesà which can be powered by human muscle power as an alternative to conventional sources of electricity such asà primary batteriesà and theà power grid, mechanically powered flashlights. We will write a custom essay sample on Human Powered Generators or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Such devices containà electrical generatorsà or anà inductionà system to recharge theirà batteries. Separate crank-operatedà generatorsà are now available to recharge battery-powered portable electronic devices such asà cell phones. Others, such asà mechanically powered flashlights, have the generator integrated within the device itself. A promising alternative to rechargeable batteries for electricity storage isà super capacitors, now being used in some devices such as the mechanically powered flashlight shown here. Other devices store the energy mechanically, instead of in batteries. Clockwork radiosà have aà mainspringà which is wound up by a crank, and then turns a generator to power the radio. INTRODUCTION Inà electricity generation, anà electric generatorà is a device that convertsà mechanical energyà toà electrical energy. A generator forcesà electronsà in the windings to flow through the externalà electrical circuit. It is somewhat analogous to a water pump, which creates a flow of water but does not create the water inside. Theà source of mechanical energyà may be a reciprocating or turbineà steam engine, water falling through aà turbine or waterwheel, anà internal combustion engine, aà wind turbine, a hand crank,à compressed airà or any other source of mechanical energy. The reverse conversion of electrical energy into mechanical energy is done by anà electric motor, and motors and generators have many similarities. In fact many motors can be mechanically driven to generate electricity, and very frequently make acceptable generators. Electric generator works on the principle of electromagnetic induction. It converts the mechanical energy available in to electric energy. When a coil is rotated in a magnetic field, then there will be induced current flowing in it. The direction of the induced current flowing in it can be found using Flemingââ¬â¢s Right Hand Rule.
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Night by Elie Wiesel an Example of the Topic Literature Essays by
Night by Elie Wiesel by Expert Bella Hamilton | 19 Dec 2016 Larson: Firstly, as a reporter, it is my duty to congratulate you on your winning the Nobel Prize for such a small book of just 128 pages. Need essay sample on "Night by Elie Wiesel" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Wiesel: It is a small book going by the number of pages. But going by its contents, it is the story of the four darkest years of the century, which concerns the entire humanity. Larson: There are several books on World War II, and the Nazi cruelties. What makes your book special? People Often Tell EssayLab professionals: How much do I have to pay someone to write my paper in time? Essay writers propose: Essay Help Provided Here With Beneficial Facilities! Top Essay Writing Company Wiesel: It is not for me to say that the book is special. Readers have found something touching about the contents. But I do wish to say one thing. The book is not written by pen, but through the strong emotions of the heart. Larson: What was the special appeal about the contents of the book? Wiesel: The story of the intense human tragedy. Many of the readers of the book, who directly and indirectly suffered the consequences of World War II, must have recollected their missing mother, raped sister, God forbid, friends and relatives, blood stream, the flying pieces of human flesh and the stinking bodies etc. Larson: Now, coming to your inpidual suffering, what was the life like between the years 1941 to 1945? Wiesel: The expectation of death every moment! The strong feeling that how God can run the affairs of human beings like this? How, human beings, claiming to be sparks of pinity, behave in such a dastardly manner. How can they gas the babies, bayonet and kill them in the most heinous manner? Why those who have the cross dangling on the neck, have no Christ in the heart? Larson: Please describe in detail about the concentration camps. Wiesel: It doesnt need the intelligent vocabulary for the graphic description. Horrid, horrid and more horrid! As I and my father were shifted from camp to camp, we never thought we shall stay alive to reach the next camp. With every shifting, the number of internees diminished. The style in which internees were butchered, are not even comparable to an animal slaughterhouse. Even the killing of animals has a purpose-to secure meat and protein for the appetite of human beings. Here the killings were purposeless. Without any previous enmity! Larson: Name the worst thing that happened to you. Wiesel: That I am still alivethe day we were separated from the rest of the family, mother and my dear sister, life was worst than death thereafter. We were a happy family. Larson: As a boy of 15 then, how did you absorb such grave shocks? Wiesel: My father beside was a great consolation. But for his presence, I just do not know what would have happened to me. Perhaps I would have been a patient in the lunatic asylum. Larson: And what was the silver lining? Wiesel: The final liberation by the American troops. Larson: Did you ever have the ambition to become a writer? Wiesel: Nevernor did I have any opportunity or enthusiasm to write down the notes of the day to day happenings during those four demonic years. Slightest suspicion on the part of the camp authorities would invite tortuous death. The dark events that were committed to memory, also by knowing which, the world outside would have a chance to know the realities of that ignoble period, are taken care of in the book. The description of the brutalities can go on and on endlessly. That is not the main purpose of the book. The book is a silent prayer to humanity that all must strive that such events are never repeated in future. Larson: How this can be achieved? Wiesel: If you mean any political creeds such as Capitalism, Socialism, Communism or Fascism can achieve it, it is impossible. The inpiduals are he building bricks of the society. The inpiduals need to change. Can any religion change people? The answer is both yes and no. Any religion, as it is practiced by the followers today, can not change the society. Mind-level conflicts are bogging down the real growth of religions. But practice of true spirituality can change human beings. Spirituality is something that transcends the mind. At that level, all differences cease; conflicts are no more there. We need to give such an orientation to human beings, right from childhood. When the thought process of the inpiduals changes, the action process also changes! When the thoughts are changed, the mind is changed; when the mind is changed, the man is changed; when the man is changed, the society is changed. Universal peace then becomes an attainable reality. Larson: How your Night is different from your other works A Beggar in Jerusalem, The Fifth Son etc. Wiesel: They are also issue-based books. But Night is something special. Such a book can be written by any author only once in the lifetime. It is a not a well-researched book as such. It is straight from the heart. It is the song of my life and that of my Jewish community. Larson: From a boy in the concentration camp, to become a Professor at the Boston University, and to win the Nobel Prize! Is not the change metamorphic? Dont you still believe in God? Wiesel: An inpidual thinks of issues related to God etc. from the level of the progression of his mind. It is true that as an intensely suffering and a boy with a shattered personality and the devastated family, anybody in my position would turn cynical and will not believe in the existence of God. I was not wrong then; and I am not wrong now. Some Supreme Power ever runs affairs of the world. Larson: Night is your first novel. Its success rate is tremendous. What are your feelings about it? Wiesel: Not one of joy for the success as such. It is the success of human tragedy. But if the number of copies sold is any indication, for the stir that it created in the readers heart, and for the positive outcomes of the samewell, I feel I am amply rewarded. Larson: Recollection of the past is sweet, when the present state of affairs is sound. Is that so in your case well? Wiesel: No. How do you say that the present state of affairs is sound? Mindless violence on various pretexts is happening even now, tough on a smaller scale. This has to totally stop. Wiesel can never be the normal man, whatever is the level of present comfortable conditions. The image of the horror camps and that of the pile of stinking bodies at the crematoriums is ever imprinted on the portals of his mind. Larson: Thank you very much for the information Mr. Wiesel. Any final message to the humanity! Wiesel: The pages of human history daubed in bloodshed on account of mindless violence in World War I and II, Nanking, Nazi concentration camps, religious intolerance, color and race conflicts, aggrandizement of wealth, and territorial annexations, ask the crying question. How to make this Planet Earth heaven-like? The answer is simple and direct, Eyes full of understanding, hearts full of love and the life that refuses conflictsenough, these alone are enough! References Cited: Wiesel, Elie: Book: Night. Mass Market Paperback: 128 pages Publisher: Bantam (March 1, 1982) Language: English ISBN-10: 0553272535,ISBN-13: 978-0553272536
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